Thursday 26 March 2015


Family is a tricky thing. Spending so much time with a specific group of people can be difficult, even if you do share blood. Homes are filled with love, laughter, pain, jealousy, envy, tears and arguments but it's completely natural. I think it differs depending on the family, mine for example has a lot of love, laughter and arguments but we are a little low on the tears since we are all too stubborn to care enough to cry. I am the youngest of three and my brothers are a mix of ego and sarcastic jokes. The eldest is difficult and shoulders more ego than anyone else, though he is lovable and of course has his moments of kindness, he is a pain in my butt but what brother isn't? He has a need to be right and loves to be superior which wouldn't be hard with his superiority in age but with a sister like me,who refuses to be looked down on,it's more than a little hard to get his way. The other brother isn't any better. He cares, a lot, and though it's touching, it's also a huge pain. I am grateful for his compassion but sometimes I don't want compassion and love, sometimes I want to share my views and not be greeted with a "when you're older you'll think differently." As for my parents well they are great and I am lucky to have such relatively open minded parents but that doesn't mean I agree with everything they think. They have views that leave me with my jaw dropped, they mock things that I consider hugely important and if I hear one more "but you're a teenager of course you think that" I may strangle them both. Needless to say, my family infuriates me but we share happy moments as well. And if you think I've been a bit harsh, you should hear what they say about me.

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